Genius Hour Reflection


My topic for my first Genius hour was to learn about apps. How the people manage to make apps and earn money off of it. I chose this because I was interested in making an app and I’d thought about how other people gain money and how they do it. So I would say that how I saw people making apps and gaining money, encouraged me to learn about and make an app. My research question was: “How to make an app and things you need to be successful.” What I learned was that creating an app takes a long time to make and find things that You need t be successful. I also learned was that before you start designing and creating an app you need to learn a couple of things like coding and if you don’t know them you can’t be successful without learning how to code. creating and earning how to create an app helped as a person because now that I know how to create an app, It can help me in the future. Not only can it help me as a person but it also helps me as I student by letting me learn more about technology. This can help the community because not only can it benefit me but also I can use it to help others that don’t know how to create an app. What I am going to learn is going to help the community by getting the people any help they need or want.– because websites are usually there to help people.

If You need to see my presentation on Apps click the link below: